Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Little Things Make Me Happy

Sometimes the little things excite me, grab my attention and make my day.  Today my older daughter gave me a belated Father's Day gift, since I was out of town a few weeks back.  She gave me a bag of ginger chews--a candy made from ginger.  BTW, ginger is an acquired taste.

This morning I spotted PATBC paperback listed on Barnes and Nobel and at a $1 off.  I had not even planned for it there.  And I found two other booksellers offering it!

The other day I got a great review on Amazon for the paperback version from Anna Baker. "Wonderful, whacky and lots of fun.... A great read for a dark and stormy night." She said exactly what I wanted to do in writing this book. 

 I can hardly wait to see what tomorrow brings.


  1. Yay! Congrats on the great review!

  2. Ginger is better than Rolaids or Tums for calming the stomach. I get candied ginger. A little bit goes a long way.

    Tomorrow brings fireworks, and hopefully the book selling kind.

    -Rick Bylina
    The only rule: writers write! Everything else is a guideline. Updated 7/1/11.
