Writing the Killer Mystery

The Best Time to Start your Mystery Novel is Today!!!

Volume One, Great Beginnings

Review of 10 classic mystery writers and their contributions to the craft...The 5 Element Story Model...Rules of the Murder Mystery Story...The three basic types of a Murder Mystery...Discussion of 50 sub-genres...Seven methods to developing story Ideas...Summarizing a Mystery with the Story Model...Developing your Mystery Novel Plan


Write your Mystery Novel with Captivating Characters!!!

Volume Two, Captivating Characters

Use techniques the master mystery writers use to name your Sleuth...Define the four character traits every Detective must have...Develop the five character traits All Characters share...Discover Backstory and Secrets between the three key characters...Recognize the eight Classes of Crimes in a mystery...Learn why Victims aren’t nice...Understand the difference between Backstory and History...Define Supervillain skills...Learn about the Sidekick and two other Special Characters...Discover why Suspects are like the Killer...And why Suspects are not like the Killer


Craft your Mystery Novel’s Plot to Intrigue Readers!!!

Volume Three, Plotting the Murder

Apply the Three Act Structure to the mystery novel...Understand rising tension and its use...Resolve mid-story writer's block...Incorporate Timelines into the story structure...Develop Opening Lines that draw the reader in
Plan a riveting story with complications and twists...End Act II on a dramatic note...Use the Dead End Dilemma...Reveal the murderer...Understand the five parts of a scene...Recognize the ten kinds of Cliffhangers...Define the mystery with Six Key Events...Develop an Event-driven Plot

Get your copy at Amazon


Make your Mystery Novel a Success!!!

Volume Four, Places, Clues and Guilt

Write dynamic settings...Create believable locations...Find means and motive for the killer...Use opportunity and alibis...Invent great clues and evidence...Drop red herrings to baffle all...Apply misdirection...How to play fair...Separate backstory and history...Incorporate flashbacks...Piecemeal backstory and history

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