In the news this week is a ghost ship headed for the UK and
aboard are cannibal rats. Around 1976, the Yugoslavians built this luxury liner,
the Lyubov Orlova, for the Russians to ferry their wealthy, although back then
I think that was only Commies, to the cold regions of the world. Leave it to
the Ruskies not do like everyone else and visit the Bahamas or the Riviera or
the Mediterranean. The venture didn’t
work out well. Don’t know why. Who
wouldn’t want to shell out big bucks—or is that Rubles?—to see ice bergs and
seal slaughters? After racking up big debt, the ship was seized by the
Canadians for scrap and ferried to Dominican Republic. But somewhere along the
way they lost it. The thing has been adrift since 2010 and is heading for the
UK coast.
Ontop of this is the theory that the only living things aboard
are rats. Without much food, they would
need to turn to each other, and become cannibals. Munch, munch, munch. When the ship hits the land, the mutant
rodents will disembark and gorge themselves on unsuspecting Europeans. (Perhaps
we should warn them.) Albeit, no one
takes into account that the boat has been adrift for 4 years and maybe the hungry
rodents have depleted their numbers by now. O, dear, what will they ever do?