Saturday, March 26, 2011

Busy Week for St. Martin's

Barry Eisler walks away from $500K deal with St. Martin's Press to self-publish.  Amanda Hocking gets a seven figure advance from St. Martin's Press due to her self-publishing success. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Amanda Hocking, a Self-Published Mega-Success

In my quest to self-publish, I decided I needed a business model to follow—finding someone who has successfully done this.  My first pick is Amanda Hocking.  This young lady after unsuccessfully finding a publisher decided to publish her own books in paper format and e-reader.  From the time she started in April 2010 until her blog posting in February this year, she sold 900,000 books. The e-reader books went for $.99 and $2.99; paperbacks at $8.99.  No matter how you do the math, she is doing very well! I heard that Ms. Hocking will be soon buying her fist house and paying cash!  Internet buzz today is she signed a four book deal with St. Martin's that exceeded $2 million. Not bad for starting out at $.99 each. And now she can buy a Mansion!

YouTube video:

Catch you later... 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

To Self-Publish or Not to Self-Publish.

If Will S. were around today, would he have trouble getting published? Would he be getting this type of letter?

 Dear Mr. Shakespeare:

Although we find your concept for Hamlet interesting, in today’s market we would have a difficult time promoting it. The writing could be tighter and more upbeat.  Also, Hamlet meeting the ghost of his father is out.  Now if you could rewrite it with his father returning as a vampire, I think we would reconsider it. Have you considered a trilogy? Those sell well these days.  Perhaps something like Blood of Hamlet, Hamlet's Revenge and Hamlet, The Final Chapter.

Loopy Picklefanny
Fifth editorial assistant
Stratford-upon-Avon Publications

Such a letter may have given new meaning to “Lord, what fools these mortals be.” Luckily, Will didn't have to go through this nonsense to get his work out there.  His plays were performed by a troupe called Lord Chamberlain’s Men, owned by Shakespeare and the players.  Certainly not self-publishing in the modern sense, but he did control his own destiny.

Catch you later…

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Going Over to the Dark Side

Like most writer's I had a dream that I would attain the ranks of Stephen King and J.K. Rowling.  I saw my work selling everywhere.  Book signings at B & N and Borders.  Talks shows.  Hobnobbing with other great writers like SK and JKR. Champagne and cheese. A mansion just outside of town with a three car garage.  And (my wife's part of the dream) a cleaning lady who comes in twice a week. Then reality sets in.
The journey started eighteen years ago with a plan to write a novel. Everyone says they'll write one someday.  Everyone has an idea for a million dollar plot. (I know because I have heard many over the years. And if you want to write about a deadly virus that takes over the world, please, think about it.) I decided to do it.  I told myself one page at a time.  Don't think about how long it would take.  After much blood, sweat and ink, I arrived.  My master piece was finished.  With more diligence, I landed an agent.  My dream had arrived. I was home free. Or rather living in that big mansion.
Five years later, with submissions to many publishers and all with the same general response (not right for us at this time),the agent and I discussed options. Continue what we're doing.  Small press (not sure how small). Self-publishings.  Hmmmm. I have heard of that somewhere before. Maybe that is the path.
This blog will be that journey to see what I can learn and how far self-publishing will take me.  Maybe I'll throw in towel and maybe I'll get the mansion.  Along the way I may take a few side trips and talk about a book I'm reading or chronicle someone else's success or go off subject. Who knows?
Catch you later…